
Novel liquid silicon with potash combo.Very effective for nutrient mobility and phloem function Action: Plant stem,internode and branch strength.

Crop: All Crops
Use For: Plant Stem Strength


Specially designed for vegetable growth needs. Balance growth and quality in low dosage organically

Action: Increase yield and keeping quality

Crop: All vegetables.

Use For: High Yield



Dual action single product for seed treatment and immunity booster. Soak seeds for 30 minutes for better action.

Action: Seed germination with fungal immunity
Crops: All seed types
Use For: Seed Treatment


Create Cysteine rich peptides. These peptides develop plant immunity against sucking action of pest.

Action: Immunizer against Mites And Jassids
Crop: All vegetable, fruits, flower,Greenhouse crops
Use For: Organic Miticide


Create Terpenoid with HMGR enzyme. This synthesis in lamina immunize against larval stage.

Action: leaf miner and small larva Immunizer
Crop: All vegetable, fruits, flower,Greenhouse crops
Use For: Leaf Miner Control


Increases fluroquinoline and group of metabolites. Fluroquinoline naturally repel stabilizing insects with healthy leaves.

Action: Immunizer against Thrips And Whitefly
Crop: All vegetable, fruits, flower, Greenhouse crops
Use For: Organic Pesticide



BEC 1045 protein binder. These bindings inhibit broad spectrum fungal entry and spread.

Action: Immunizer against Downey, wilt, Powdery mildew, blight
Crop: All fruit, vegetable, flower, Greenhouse
Use For: Organic Fungicide


Increases protective sulfur in plants. Results in tough cellulose and diseases resistance.

Action: Immunity against mealybug and stem borer
Crop: Vegetables , fruit crops, woody plants
Use For: Organic Larvicide


Create immunity and spread of plant viruses through plant sap. Effective action of capsid attacking protein.

Action: Leaf curl, mosaic, panama, Gemini virus
Crop: Vegetables, fruits, flowering & polyhouse based crops
Use For: Organic Viricide


Peptidoglycan breaker with nutritive action. Very effective against bacteria including oily spot.

Action: xanthomonas sp.
Crop: Fruits, vegetables, flowering Polyhouse crops
Use For: Organic Bactericide


Peptidoglycan breaker with nutritive action. Very effective against bacteria including oily spot.

Action: Root knot, citrus, cyst ,ring nematodes
Crop: Fruits, cotton, nuts, rice, Vegetables, cereals, beans
Use For: Organic Nematicide


Pheromones attract insects. These lures trap them and remove from fields. Completely noninvasive.

Action: Control flying insects
Crop: Fruits, vegetables, flowering Polyhouse crops
Use For: Lures & Traps


Unique nonionic silicon spreader. Spreads, sticks and absorbs effective ingredients very fast

Action: Spreader ,sticker and adjuvant
Crop: All crops
Use For: Silicon Spreader