Achieve your goals with Colagen

Get best personal experience, quality with performance and sustainable solution for your needs

Our Story

we have started our work in 2018 as product research and development platform.Back then we were actively involve in consulting product development and design.
Today we are privileged to connect with thousands of customers with exceptional products and services in India and abroad.

Our Name is Colagen

Colagen is named after the most abundant protein made of three helix.We also work with 3 activities namely
  • Research,
  • Invention and
  • Innovation.
 We also understand colagen as short form of “colaborative genesis“.
We feel it is true sense of human progress.


Agriculture Industry

Farm Input Products

To make agriculture safe we have created more than 24 residue free highly effective input products.

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Contract farming

World is demanding quality foods and agri supplies.To cater this global need we deal in contract farming for  some of most valuable crops

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FarmArm ERP: Farm ERP software

Plan and watch your day to day farming operations including financials, daily  fertigation,sprey and water schedules, reporting, supply chain, farm diary maintanance and human resource by using FarmArm ERP

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Survillance & Space

Forest Survillance

Satellite and drone imaging based forest survillance help to control fires, illegal logging,lack of supervision and forest area management.

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Water Survillance

Using IoT and image processing of big data water resources can be identified and preserved efficiently.We help to map,distribute and utilize water resource.

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Insurance Survillance

We cater accurate  information to insurance sector and banks about assets like agricultural land, near real time update about disasters and its impacts etc. for better planning and execution of funds.

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Our Products


FarmArm is precision agriculture system developed by us. It is next generation farm survillance and guidance system with more than 20 features.

By using satellite based farm data and farm sensors including drones it provides 37 real time and near real time parameters to farmers.

FarmArm make farming accurate, profitable and sustainable

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